Crystalline Consciousness Free Masterclass

Sign up now to get your Free Masterclass on how to use crystals to assist you so you can expand your consciousness and connection to the crystalline beings and heal your inner-self.

My unique crystal training offers a solid foundation for anyone who is looking to use crystals in their life for self healing and spiritual awakening and it's totally FREE!

Join my MASTERCLASS to unlock the powers of your crystals

Activate your lightbody and DNA with crystals

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Your instructor: Rebecca Keating

Rebecca has been working with crystals for 14 years.

She started using black tourmaline while working as an RN in the hospitals for protection.

Rebecca incorporates crystals in every aspect of her work; ceremony, energy healing, shamanic healing, quantum healing and gridwork.

Shamanic Practitioner, Quantum Healer, Sound Healer and Carrier of the lineage rights of Master Q'ero Inca Shamans, she is also the founder of Shaman Sisters a crystal and conscious jewelry boutique in Mississauga Ontario.

Rebecca offers a variety of different ceremonies, trainings and retreats.

She is the author of "The Ultimate Guide to Shamanism”